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Rate this project The openSUSE team have announced the release of openSUSE 15.2. Th new release updates desktop packages, improves detection of other operating systems at install time, and includes a number of new container and machine learning tools. "Sev


MX Linux


MX Linux – Midweight Simple Stable Desktop OS

MX Linux is a cooperative venture between the antiX and former MEPIS communities, using the best tools and talents from each distro. It is a midweight OS designed to combine an elegant and efficient desktop with simple configuration, high stability, solid


  • 데비안의 안정된 브랜치를 기반으로 한 데스크탑 지향 리눅스 배포판이다.

  • Xfce 를 기본 데스크탑으로 사용하며 간단한 구성, 높은 안정성, 견고한 성능을 보이는 mid-weight 운영 체제이다.

OS 종류 리눅스
기반 Debian (Stable), antiX
원본 Greece, USA
아키텍처 i686, x86_64
데스크톱 Xfce
종류 Desktop, From RAM, Live Medium
상태 유효


다운로드 링크


Download Links – MX Linux

(Older releases can be found on SourceForge.) Current Release: MX-19.2 Three different ISOs are available (see installation notes at bottom of page). MX-19.2_386, containing a 32 bit PAE kernel.MX-19.2_x64, with a 64 bit kernelMX-19.2 x64 ahs, an Advanced
